Heather A. Cook
With a Masters in Public Health specializing in Epidemiology from Columbia University, a MA in Counselling Psychology from Naropa University, and a BS in Genetic Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from Cedar Crest College, Heather is able to move effortlessly between a range of disciplines that can illuminate and shape the future for her clients. While living in NYC, Heather has worked as a molecular biologist in highly respected labs, an epidemiologist at Department of Health & Mental Hygiene during the nH1N1 pandemic of 2009 and worked in hospital preparedness and emergency management. She incorporates her holistic knowledge of mental health and well-being in her current work with people and has been a panelist for the National Academies of Science on the topic of resilience and spoken at several international conferences about trauma.
Her capacity to bring a warm, grounded presence together with keen insights and transformative inquiry, creates a space for individuals and organizations to move beyond their current limitations or barriers and unlock previously unseen possibilities.
In addition to her work speaking, writing and consulting, Heather still maintains a thriving psychotherapy practice, Healing Among Chaos, in Westminster, Colorado.
With a Masters in Public Health specializing in Epidemiology from Columbia University, a MA in Counselling Psychology from Naropa University, and a BS in Genetic Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from Cedar Crest College, Heather is able to move effortlessly between a range of disciplines that can illuminate and shape the future for her clients. While living in NYC, Heather has worked as a molecular biologist in highly respected labs, an epidemiologist at Department of Health & Mental Hygiene during the nH1N1 pandemic of 2009 and worked in hospital preparedness and emergency management. She incorporates her holistic knowledge of mental health and well-being in her current work with people and has been a panelist for the National Academies of Science on the topic of resilience and spoken at several international conferences about trauma.
Her capacity to bring a warm, grounded presence together with keen insights and transformative inquiry, creates a space for individuals and organizations to move beyond their current limitations or barriers and unlock previously unseen possibilities.
In addition to her work speaking, writing and consulting, Heather still maintains a thriving psychotherapy practice, Healing Among Chaos, in Westminster, Colorado.
My Story
Since so much of my work with people interweaves their personal and professional journeys, I thought I would share my path with you.
I had worked in molecular biology and infectious disease labs, which steamed from my relentless curiosity and even as a kid asking ‘why?’ I then moved to the NYC Health Department in disease and outbreak tracking. I was still excited and fascinated by the theory and working with things that were invisible, but there was a mismatch in how my everyday life felt, it felt like a drag, lacking vitality. In 2009, the nH1N1 pandemic hit. After working through that, both the inexplicability zen sense I found among the intensity (I found a place in myself where there was a perfect balance of being and doing), and then trying to re-engage with my ‘regular’ life after that felt impossible. It wasn’t an adrenal rush, it was a peak into my true self that could not be ignored. What I didn’t realize at the time was a longing to connect to myself and the world in a new way was surfacing through an intense experience. Also by observing how each person I worked with handled it I was introduced to the importance of the personal side and began to have respect for the psychology field which seemed the polar opposite of science which is what I had spent my life’s work on. Then someone who I trusted asked me a single question: if there was anything else besides science what would I do with my career? It was the combination of the right question being asked by someone that while respected my academic and career accomplishment also saw part of me that I hadn’t given enough credence to. I was able breakout beyond, without having do a 180, I could still bring along my scientific inquiry. SO I did what I do best, gather more info and then churn it into something that gets integrated. I went back to grad school at Naropa University to gain a deeper understanding of people- needs, wants, desires, from the biological to the philosophical. In my younger years, I worried that others might look at my career path and see me as someone who was unfocused, easily bored or without purpose. On the contrary, I am now able to look back on my life and realize that it has given me a range of qualifications and experiences to meet the challenges my clients face in a complex and complicated world. |